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The  Premier Breed Club of the Authentic Australian Labradoodle

To be listed as a Breeder, please complete this form and submit the required payment for new breeder membership. If your payment is not coming in with your name, please identify what name or email address should be associated with your payment

Application for Breeder Member must carry the endorsement of one current member in good standing. Please obtain the name, kennel name, and phone number of the endorsing sponsor and include on the Application for Membership.

When becoming a Member: 

Sign your Code of Ethics; pay your membership fee and Kennel Registration fee, along with Submitting your Breeder Member application.

  • At the same time you must register all dogs, new or transferred,

  • You need to own at least one Australian Labradoodle that meets the ALCA requirements for Registering.


Once becoming a Breeder Member:

  • You are required to register ALL Litters you whelp within 30 days of birth. Late registrations are subject to  a $20.00 late fee.)

  • You are required to display on your website, your ALCA Logo..

  • You are also required to display the Name of your dog, including the kennel prefix, on your website along with the ALCA registration number.

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Breeder Member Application

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