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Accredited Breeder Requirements:

Please read through everything carefully.  We look forward to your contribution to this amazing breed.

1. Let's get started......

  • In order to become a breeder you must own at least one intact, registered or registerable, Authentic Australian Labradoodle, to apply for membership.

  • You must register your dog and please include all ALCA required health testing and application(s) at the same time as your MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION.

  • All Australian Labradoodles should be bred to Australian Labradoodles, in order for litters and/or breeders to be certified.   Otherwise, they may be labeled as foundational and the journey to Purebred may take much longer.

  • When utilizing dogs from other clubs, please keep in mind the registering process goes much quicker when we know the breed identity in a "Multi-generational" labeled dog.  Without specific Breed identity this dog cannot be registered with our club.  Supporting documentation may be requested.

  • All A.L.C.A. breeders must have an accessible website for their program within 90 days of registration with the Club. It does not have to be an extensive one.

2.  Keep in mind Merle dogs are not registerable with the A.L.C.A.
3. Follow the steps below:   

  • Obtain a PURCHASE CONTRACT - this is a required document for registration.  

  • Choose your Breeding Kennel Name -  As you make your decision on what to name your program check the ALCA Breeder's listing.  You may not be approved for a Kennel name that is very similar to a current Breeder.

  • Click on the Membership tab above or this link *New Breeder/Kennel Application - Complete the application and submit along with the required fee.

  • All ALD breeding stock must be registered - To do so, click the link or go to the Membership tab at the top of the website.  Choose *Individual Dog Registration. 

  • Complete the application for each dog being registered and submit it along with the registration fee.  NOTE: Your new breeder must always carry the name of the  "Whelping Kennel" first, and then the call name you desire follows.

  • Submit the REQUIRED -Breeder Code of  Ethics.  

  • Scan and email the following documents to the

  • A signed pedigree for your dog(s) from the original owner (Be sure to include the d.o.b.). If the dog is already registered with the A.L.C.A., submit a Transfer of Ownership form along with the required Transfer of Ownership fee.​

  • If your dog came from an A.L.C.A. Breeder Member, you will have received a Litter Registration document at the time of purchase.  

  • Your dog(s) must pass all required test. If your dog is less than two years of age and has received a rating of fair on the OFA , you must re-submit at two years of age and receive a fair or better in order to be certified. 

  • All test results, required or otherwise must be submitted with your membership application to the Registrar.

. Required Health Testing​
       Before a breeder can be registered and/or bred under the A.L.C.A. standards, the following tests must be successfully completed:

  1. Eyes - C.A.E.R.... Eye Certification conducted by a Veterinary Ophthalmologist (aka CERF)

  2. Hips and Elbow Testing (OFA, eVet Diagnostics, or AVA accepted only).

  3. Preliminary results will be  accepted after 10 months of age.  If rated "Fair" the dog may not be registered until a second test is completed at age two (2). 

 Orthopedic Foundation of America Congenital Cardiac  Form  @                                                                               Required DNA testing.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (prcd/PRA)

  • Degenerative Myelopathy

  • Exercise-Induced Collapse

  • Von Willebrand Disease

  • Improper Coat/Furnishings

  • Parentage:  Any dual sired litter or, oops litter can only be registered with the appropriate DNA parentage testing.  This testing must include all offspring and all parents.

  • NOTE: Close family oops litters e.g., mom to son, dad to daughter, brother to sister, et., cannot be registered as breeder dogs  This is due to  hidden/unknown gene(s) 

  • Cleared by Parentage is no longer acceptable for the purposes of dog or litter registration.​

    5.  Along with health testing you must include the following:

  • A signed copy of your Breeder Code of Ethics

  • A copy of your puppy sales contract and guarantee, which includes a 24-month (minimum) health warranty.

  • Important!  All of the health tests should be taken and passed BEFORE the breeding of any dog. As an ethical breeder, you must be willing to ensure the dog you are using in your breeder program, meets or exceeds the standards to the best of your ability.  

  • Once all the applications, fees, pedigrees and paperwork are submitted, the Registrar will contact you with your official welcome to the ALCA!

  • You are now a Breeder Member!  Congratulations!  

 Additional Breeder Tips & Recommendations:​

  • When in doubt, contact the club registrar via the email address:

  • When possible, it is recommended that a male dog should have a natural breeding prior to Artificial Insemination (AI).

  • The recommended inbreeding co-efficient is 8% or less to retain heritage and traits or under 5% for more closely unrelated statistics.  

  • The suggested breeding age: Dams not before 16 months of age.

  • The Dam of the litter should be currently or previously registered with the ALCA.

  • The Sire of the litter should have been previously registered or be registerable and meet the basic  requirements. for all ALCA dogs.

6.  Website Requirements:​

  • All photos shown on your website must belong to you, or you must have written permission from the owner to display the photo on your website with acknowledgement such as "photo courtesy of Long Ago Labradoodles".

  • All breeding dogs must be pictured on your site with their registered name in full, including whelping breeder's prefix along with the ALCA registration number.

  • Any dog not eligible for ALCA registration must show "Does not qualify for registration with the ALCA."

  • All litters should be pictured along with their litter registration number or the statement, "ALCA registration pending."  Even if the litters are not pictured on your site, the registration numbers must be  listed on your "Puppy" page as soon as they are received from the Registrar.

  • All breeding dogs must be pictured on your site with their registered name in full, including

      whelping breeder's prefix along with the ALCA registration number.

  • Any dog not eligible for ALCA registration must show "Does not qualify for registration with the ALCA."

  • All litters should be pictured along with their litter registration number or the statement, "ALCA registration pending."  Even if the litters are not pictured on your site, the registration numbers must be 

       listed on your "Puppy" page as soon as they are received from the Registrar.

Club Renewal is Yearly - Each year you will receive a current year logo - Only the current year, ALCA Club logo may be displayed on your website. 

The  Premier Breed Club of the Authentic Australian Labradoodle
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